Discovering the historic village of Monsanto

Discovering the historic village of Monsanto

Our adventures are not just made of Nature and proof of this is our visit to the historic village of Monsanto

In 1938, this was considered the most Portuguese village in Portugal and was awarded the silver rooster that it still proudly displays today on its Lucano tower.

In this village everything seems magical, its location on the slope of a granite outcrop meant that the village's inhabitants built houses using the huge boulders as part of the housing structure, often defying the laws of physics.

At the top we find the Monsanto castle which still shows its grandeur and the ingenuity of the Portuguese people who built it, also becoming known in recent years for being one of the settings for the famous series "Game of Thrones"

All of this will always be accompanied by breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable displays of nature.

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