Number 18 Tram - Porto

A number 18 tram trundles its way along the riverside in Porto. The 18 tram route is quite short but involves climbing the rather massive hill that is Rua da Restauração. The route starts at the Porto Tram Museum, which was the old tram station, in Massarelos and ends at Carmo.

This is tram 205. The number suggests it was one of the Brill 28 "Plataforma-Salão" trams built in the late 1930s / early 1940s by CCFP (Companhia Carris de Ferro do Porto).


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Porto travel guide »

Porto is considered the capital of the north and as the second largest city in Portugal, rightfully so. There are really very few similarities between Porto and Lisbon – they are both near the coast, on the banks of large rivers and have some fairly daunting hills, but that’s really where it ends. The two cities have a totally different feel and different charms.Porto’s most striking…