Ribeira and Episcopal Palace - Porto

A look at the steep, terraced hillside above Porto's riverside Ribeira district. This area is at the centre of Porto's UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Sitting behind the first row of houses along the riverfront is the Elevador da Ribeira or Elevador da Lada. This public elevator leads from the Ribeira to halfway up the slope of Barredo saving a considerable climb. Built in a style matching the Dom Luis I bridge, and not dissimilar to the Elevador de Santa Justa in Lisbon, this was only completed in 1994.

Top of the photo, and dominating the skyline is the Paco Episcopal (Bishop's Palace) which is where the bishops of Porto once lived. 

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Porto travel guide »

Porto is considered the capital of the north and as the second largest city in Portugal, rightfully so. There are really very few similarities between Porto and Lisbon – they are both near the coast, on the banks of large rivers and have some fairly daunting hills, but that’s really where it ends. The two cities have a totally different feel and different charms.Porto’s most striking…